We have completed grading the …

We have completed grading the final exams (Christer Johansson, UiB served as the second examiner), and results should show up in the usual places in the next few days. In the meantime, please fill in the on-line course evaluation form for this class! It appeared that I had given you a few more questions than was feasible for a three-hour exam; few people gave answers to all sub-parts of the exam, and noone came close to a complete score. Hence, we adjusted the mapping from total points to grades accordingly, and in the end everyone passed. Out of the seven who took the exam, there was one A, three Bs, one C, one D, and one E. In case you want to look closer at your results, please make contact with me. Finally, please consider working as a tutor for INF2820 this spring; God jul!

Published Dec. 11, 2008 6:11 PM - Last modified Jan. 13, 2009 4:25 PM