As of today, the first …

As of today, the first problem set (Assignment (1a)) is available from the course web page, and we have posted the course schedule until the end of September. The first laboratory session will be on Thursday this week (September 9), 10:15 in Vilhelm Bjerknes Hus. Please obtain a copy of this first assignment before then and try to get started with the Lisp development system that we provide for you (on IFI servers, but accessible from all over campus or from home). At this point, you have the theoretical knowledge to work through most of this first (warm-up) assignment; in the laboratory, we will aim to assist with the practical aspects of starting to code in Lisp, but the actual work you will have to do yourselves. There are quite detailed instructions on how to get started with the IFI Lisp system on the assignment, plus we provide a so-called Cheat Sheet with a collection of useful Lisp and emacs commands.

Published Sep. 7, 2010 10:44 PM - Last modified Dec. 22, 2010 1:44 PM