Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
31.08.2010Stephan Oepen (oe) & Lilja ?vrelid (liljao)? Informatikkbygningen, 3B? Motivation and Course Overview? Seibel (2005), Chapter 1

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 1

Slide Copies

Artificial Intelligence (Wikipedia) (background)

Common Lisp (Wikipedia) (background)

Natural Language Processing (Wikipedia) (background)

Machine Learning (Wikipedia) (background)?

07.09.2010oe? 3B? Common Lisp Essentials? Seibel (2005), Chapter 2

Seibel (2005), Chapter 3

Slide Copies

Peter Norvig: Lisp vs. Python (background)?

09.09.2010Johan Benum Evensberget (johanbev)? Vilhelm Bjerknes hus, C210? Using Common Lisp? Seibel (2005), Chapter 4

Seibel (2005), Chapter 5

Exercise 1a

Cheat Sheet

Emacs Reference Card

Seibel (2005), Chapter 6 (optional)

Allegro Common Lisp (background)

Allegro Emacs–Lisp Interface (background)

Steele (1990) (background)?

14.09.2010oe? 3B? Search and Finite-State Automata? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 2

Slide Copies?

16.09.2010johanbev & oe? C210? Implementing NFSAs? Exercise 1b??
20.09.2010? ? ? Submission Deadline: Assignment (1a)?
21.09.2010oe? 3B? More on FSAs and Common Lisp: Variables, Bindings, and Scope? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 2

Seibel (2005), Chapter 6

Seibel (2005), Chapter 7

Seibel (2005), Chapter 8 (optional)

Seibel (2005), Chapter 11

Seibel (2005), Chapter 12 (optional)?

23.09.2010johanbev & oe? C207? Model Solution (1a); Implementing NFSAs? Solution 1a?
27.09.2010? ? ? Submission Deadline: Assignment (1b)?
28.09.2010Jan Tore L?nning (jtl)? 3B? Basic Probability Theory; N-Gram Models? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 4 (up to and including 4.5.1)

Slide Copies?

30.09.2010johanbev & oe? C207? Model Solution (1b); Implementing HMMs? Solution 1b

Exercise 1c?

05.10.2010oe? 3B? Sequence Classification; HMMs? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 5 (Up to and Including Section 5.5)?
07.10.2010johanbev? C207? Implementing HMMs? ?
12.10.2010oe? 3B? HMMs and Dynamic Programming? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 6 (Up to and Including Section 6.4)?
14.10.2010johanbev? C207? Implementing HMMs? ?
18.10.2010? ? ? Submission Deadline: Assignment (1c)??
19.10.2010Erik Velldal? 3B? Expert Lisp: Closures, Memoization, Macros? Seibel (2005), Chapter 7

Seibel (2005), Chapter 8

Slide Copies?

21.10.2010oe & johanbev? C207? Model Solution (1c)? Solution 1c?
26.10.2010oe? 3B? Context-Free Grammar and Chart Parsing? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 12 (Up to and Including Section 12.4)

Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 13 (Up to and Including Section 13.4)

Slide Copies??

28.10.2010? ? ? Moved to Next Week (dagen@IFI)?
02.11.2010oe? 3B? Unpacking the Chart? Slide Copies?
04.11.2010johanbev? C207? Chart Unpacking? Exercise 2a?
09.11.2010oe? 3B? Statistical Parsing? Jurafsky & Martin (2008), Chapter 14 (Up to and Including Section 14.6)?
11.11.2010johanbev? C207? Statistical Parsing? Slide Copies?
15.11.2010? ? ? Submission Deadline: Assignment (2a)?
16.11.2010oe? 3B? Model Solution (2a); One-Best Unpacking? Slide Copies

Solution 2a

Marcus et al. (1993) (Background)


18.11.2010johanbev? C207? Large-Scale Statistical Parsing? Exercise 2b?
23.11.2010oe? 3B? N-Best Unpacking and Chart Pruning? Klein & Manning (2001) (Background)

Klein & Manning (2003) (Background)

Huang & Chiang (2005) (Background)

?Carroll & Oepen (2005) (Background)


25.11.2010oe & johanbev? C207? Large-Scale Parsing? ?
28.11.2010? ? ? Submission Deadline: Assignment (2b)?
30.11.2010oe? 3B? Exam Preparation? ?
02.12.2010johanbev? C207? Model Solution (2b)? Solution 2b?
06.12.2010? ? ? Written Exam?
Published Aug. 30, 2010 6:57 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:02 PM