The course programme will be …

The course programme will be largely similar to the 2009 and 2010 versions, albeit with a number of smaller adjustments: (weighted) search problems, dynamic programming (in Common Lisp), training and decoding of statistical models, and generally implementation techniques that scale to potentially very large data sets. Within the next few weeks, please obtain a copy of the NLP textbook we will assume for our theoretical foundations: Jurafsky & Martin (2008). Any other teaching materials (notably the Common Lisp book by Seibel (2005), as well as other Lisp references) are available on-line. All teaching and laboratory supervision will be in English. The first lecture is on Friday, August 26, at 10:15–12:00, in room Python (2269) in Ole-Johan Dahls hus. Please note that participation in the first lecture is obligatory.

Publisert 11. aug. 2011 23:33 - Sist endret 2. des. 2011 08:15