My apologies, I had failed …

My apologies, I had failed to include the file brown.txt (that you need for completion of assignment (1a)) in our automagic course setup; that omission is now corrected, i.e. the file should now show up in your home directory. Also, it is a little unfortunate that we have our second lecture this Friday after our second laboratory session tomorrow. I just posted the slides for the Friday lecture, please go have a look. As we are working through our first assignment, all the Lisp functions needed for this problem set actually occur on these slides; thus, a good way of preparing both for the laboratory tomorrow and the lecture on Friday is to look over the slides, read the suggested chapters from Seibel (2005), and try to work out what the examples on the slides do exactly. If you get stuck half-way into assignment (1a), don't panic! Things will (hopefully) clear up after the Friday lecture, and you will still have a few more days to work on the assignment (the submission deadline is the end of the day this coming Monday).

Publisert 7. sep. 2011 12:17 - Sist endret 2. des. 2011 08:15