Thank you to those who …

Thank you to those who returned our half-way questionnaire. Some of the results were a little surprising to us, which just goes to show the utility of your feedback. We had deliberately slowed down the pace of instruction a little, compared to previous years, especially so in the first third or so of the semester; from your feedback, we take it we could actually go a little faster and aim to cover a somewhat broader range of algorithms. We will (once again) seek to adjust the course decision for 2012, to take this feedback into account. Also, we fully agree that a written exam as the sole form of final examination is sub-optimal for this kind of course. We should probably try out another scheme next year, where at least some of the obligatory problem sets count for a part (say one third) of the final grade. In case you have further comments on the 2011 course, feel the above does not adequately interpret what you were trying to say in your questionnaire, or generally have further suggestions for revision, please do not hesitate to email or drop in at some point.

Publisert 11. nov. 2011 11:45 - Sist endret 2. des. 2011 08:15