Course Schedule

Lectures in this course will be given in a bi-weekly schedule this year, i.e. on Wednesdays (14:15–16:00) and Thursdays (10:15–12:00) every other week.  The first lecture is on Wednesday, August 20, 2014.  The lectures will be given by Stephan Oepen and Milen Kouylekov of the research group for Language Technology (LTG).  We hope to entice everyone to participate in the lectures and will play all sorts of tricks to make that attractive, among them reflections and recommendations regarding obligatory assignments, interactive programming, and occassional ‘quiz’ sessions with exam-like questions.

In addition to four hours of lectures every other week, there will be a weekly laboratory (gruppe) on Mondays (10:15–12:00).  The laboratory sessions will be held by Jakob Tobias Frielingsdorf and start on Monday, September 1.  The laboratory will serve to get everyone up to speed with the Common Lisp development environment for the class, give assistance in working through obligatory assignments, review model solutions for these, and generally complement the lectures in both practical and more theoretical terms.  Just as with the lectures, we would like it to be the case that regular laboratory attendance will be worthwhile and enjoyable.


Published Aug. 12, 2014 12:16 PM - Last modified Aug. 15, 2014 11:00 AM