
Clustered multimedia servers are one way of solving the scalability problem of centralized server installations. Typically, these solutions rely on extremely expensive hardware elements to assure the scalability of the server cluster, such as crossbar-switches that interconnect the individual cluster machines (e.g. IBM VideoCharger on SP2, Kassena Mediabase), or specialized interconnect cards (e.g. N-Cube).

While Intel IXP network processor cards are mainly used for routing protocol research and development, they can be used in a manner that reminds of the N-Cube interconnect cards.

In this assignment, each group should design a cluster solution for a simple streaming media server cluster and implement a prototype. The individual machines (the nodes) of the cluster are interconnected in a hypercube configuration by IXP network processor cards. One port of each card is connected to the Internet, while the other ports are either unused or connected to a neighbour in the hypercube.

The operating system of the card to be used is Linux, the operating system to be used on the host computer is Linux.

Any of the nodes should be able to establish control connection using a subset of RTSP over TCP. The important RTSP command would seem to be DESCRIBE, SETUP and PLAY.

Any of the nodes should be able to deliver data using a subset of RTP over UDP. The server may ignore RTCP entirely. It may hard-code RTP headers for the only supported encoding format, which is MPEG-1.

The system should be able to stream MPEG-1 constant bitrate videos from any of the nodes, through the node that accepted the TCP connection for RTSP.

The MPEG-1 files are stored on host machines disks, and each MPEG-1 file is stored on exactly one node. Many ways of getting the data from the disk to the IXP card are conceivable, NFS would seem to be the simplest means.

The group may decide to implement hypercube routing on the card or on the host machine, but the nodes should only communicate via the interconnecting links of the hypercube, not via the IP network.

The group may decide to implement RTSP parsing and processing on the card or on the host machine, but the host machine should eventually be notified about all connections, although not necessarily immediately.


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