
Presentations (Oblig 2):

DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
07.04.2011Su Yu Chin? ? Coding of color in the industry? The presentation will be about how to code colour in the printing-, movie-, TV-industries, and how to work with colour conversions.?
07.04.2011Gard Sandholt? ? Koding av geo-data? Lokalisering med GPS, GSM, mm. og applikasjoner?
07.04.2011Levent Demir? ? XML-Streaming (MPEG-21)? Streaming av XML-dokumenter, MPEG-21 DIS, evt. andre?
14.04.2011Cristobal Emilio Dabed? ? Geometry Streaming? Geometry Streaming, VERSE 3d protocol for 3d streaming, WebGL, MMO?
28.04.2011Rizwan A. Ahmed? ? coding of medical multimedia data? e.g., in biomedical sensor networks, patient monitoring systems, PACS systems, etc.?
28.04.2011Svein Flattun? ? Coding of 3D Cinema? Coding of 3D Cinema, Coding of holographic scenes, ...?

Temaforslag / Suggestions for presentation subjects:

DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
01.01.1990? ? Koding av medisinske data i biomedisinske sensor nettverk? ?
01.01.1990? ? long-time storage of multimedia data? ?
01.01.1990? ? Digital / Computational Photography? ?
01.01.1990tema ledig? ? ? Efficient coding of XML documents: EXI, BiM, ...?
Publisert 5. jan. 2011 16:13 - Sist endret 13. apr. 2011 20:23