
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
28.08.2007? ? No lecture? ?
04.09.2007Jasmin Blanchette? 41151,FP I? An Open System Operational Semantics for an Object-Oriented and Component-Based Language? Slides?
11.09.2007? ? No lecture? ?
18.09.2007Gerardo Schneider? 41151,FP I? Introduction to Hybrid Systems? Slides?
25.09.2007Gerardo Schneider? 41151,FP I? Algorithmic Analysis of Polygonal Hybrid Systems? Slides?
02.10.2007? 41151,FPI? No lecture? ?
09.10.2007? ? No lecture? FLACOS?
16.10.2007Cristian Prisacariu? 41151,FP I? Current work of Tony Hoare presented at LASER: some flowcharts for concurrency.? ?
23.10.2007Johan Dovland? 41151,FP I? Demonstration: A Creol editor in Eclipse? ?
30.10.2007? 41151,FP I? TBA? ?
06.11.2007? 41151,FP I? TBA? ?
13.11.2007? 41151,FP I? TBA? ?
20.11.2007? 41151,FP I? TBA? ?
Publisert 26. sep. 2007 00:47 - Sist endret 5. nov. 2007 16:09