Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
20.01.2012Cristian Prisacariu? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? TBA? TBA?
03.02.2012Cristian Prisacariu? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? Algebraic Laws of Programming? Presenting the recent (and not so recent) work of Tony Hoare and coauthors.?
10.02.2012TBA? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? TBA? ?
17.02.2012Cristian Prisacariu? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? Refinement of Actions? Presenting the work of Rob van Glabbeek and Ursula Goltz that culminated with a 2001 Acta Informatica paper of ~100 pages.?
24.02.2012Crystal Din? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? An Approach to Compositional Reasoning about Concurrent Objects and Futures? ABSTRACT: Distributed and concurrent object-oriented systems are difficult to analyze due to the complexity of their concurrency, communication, and synchronization mechanisms. Rather than performing analysis at the code level of mainstream object-oriented languages such as Java and C++, we consider an imperative, object-oriented language with a simpler concurrency model. This language, based on concurrent objects communicating by asynchronous method calls and futures, avoids some difficulties of mainstream object-oriented programming languages related to compositionality and aliasing. In particular, reasoning about futures is handled by means of histories. Compositional verification systems facilitate system analysis, allowing components to be analyzed independently of their environment. In this paper, a compositional proof system in dynamic logic for partial correctness is established based on communication histories and class invariants. The soundness and relative completeness of this proof system follow by construction using a transformational approach from a sequential language with a non-deterministic assignment operator.?
02.03.2012Mai Tran? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? Observable interface behavior and inheritance? ABSTRACT: This paper formalizes the observable interface behavior of open systems for a strongly-typed, concurrent object-oriented language with single-class inheritance. We formally characterize the observable behavior in terms of interactions at the program-environment interface. The behavior is given by transitions between contextual judgments, where the absent environment is represented abstractly as assumption context. A particular challenge is the fact that, when the system is considered as open, code from the environment can be inherited to the component and vice versa. This requires to incorporate an abstract version of the heap into the environment assumptions when characterizing the interface behavior. We prove the soundness of the abstract interface description ?
30.03.2012Volker Stolz? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? Delta-oriented monitor specifications? ABSTRACT: Delta-oriented programming allows software developers to define software product lines as variations of a common code base, where variations are expressed as so-called program deltas. Monitor-oriented programming (MOP) provides a mechanism to execute functionality based on the program's execution history; this is useful, e.g. for the purpose of runtime verification and for enforcing security policies. We discuss how delta-oriented programming and MOP can benefit each other in the Abstract Behavior Specification Language (ABS). We use deltas over monitor definitions to concisely capture protocol changes induced by feature combinations, and propose a notation to denote those deltas. In addition, we explore the design space for expressing runtime monitors as program deltas in ABS. In this talk, I'll mostly focus on what the language for describing protocol changes should be. Lots of interesting design issues. ?
20.04.2012Beata Dopierala (from Simula)? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? "Stochastic Modeling of Visual Attention"?


27.04.2012Hung Quoc Vo (from Simula)? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? "Probabilistic Model Checking of the IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network Protocol"? Based on the paper

Slides of the presentation.

Abstract from paper:

The international standard IEEE 802.11 was developed recently in recognition of the increased demand for wireless local area networks. Its medium access control mechanism is described according to a variant of the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme. Although collisions cannot always be prevented, randomized exponential backoff rules are used in the retransmission scheme to minimize the likelihood of repeated collisions. More precisely, the backoff procedure involves a uniform probabilistic choice of an integer-valued delay from an interval, where the size of the interval grows exponentially with regard to the number of retransmissions of the current data packet. We model the two-way handshake mechanism of the IEEE 802.11 standard with a fixed network topology using probabilistic timed automata, a formal description mechanism in which both nondeterministic choice and probabilistic choice can be represented. From our probabilistic timed automaton model, we obtain a finite-state Markov decision process via a property-preserving discrete-time semantics. The Markov decision process is then verified using Prism, a probabilistic model checking tool, against probabilistic, timed properties such as “at most 5,000 microseconds pass before a station sends its packet correctly.”?

10.05.2012Alexander Meduna (from Brno, CZ)? Kristen Nygaard room OJD - 5th floor? "Deep Pushdown Automata"? Alexander Meduna is visiting IFI from the Brno University of Technology and will give a talk on recent developments in pushdown automata. His interests span various fields of theoretical computer science, among others: graph theory, automata, formal languages, or compilers (with books written and edited on such topics).

This talk is interesting, and adjacent discussions are welcome.

This special talk is in the Kristen Nygaard room at the 5th floor, from 13:15 on the Thursday of 10.?

25.05.2012Cristian Prisacariu? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? Bigraphs (part I)? Presenting the recent (and not so recent) work of Robin Milner and coauthors.?
01.06.2012Halstein Hansen? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? An account of automatic analysis techniques for the quantitative evaluation of stochastic systems? ?
08.06.2012Christian Michelsen? room 8459 OJD - 8th floor? Efficient Energy-Optimal Routing for Electric Vehicles? ?
Publisert 12. jan. 2012 23:16 - Sist endret 5. juni 2012 22:26