Time and Place and general info about plan this semester

The seminar will be held on Fridays 13:15-15 in the 8th floor seminar room, 8459, in the OJD building, starting January 17. The time may some weeks be shifted to a different time.

This semester the seminar is mainly intended for PhD and master students in the PMA group. The topics will vary from week to week, and the students should have some background in formal methods.

This seminar is for participants with a solid background in formal methods. If you have not taken INF3230 (or a similar course), you will not be able to follow this seminar.

Reminder!: The requirements during  the seminar are (1) attendance 80% (preferably more active, with interest, i.e., questions) and (2) one  presentation (45 min + 15 min) of a research paper related to the topics of the seminar and to your interest. Please contact Olaf Owe <olaf@ifi.uio.no> for more details.


Publisert 10. jan. 2014 11:13 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 16:03