The following message has also …

The following message has also previously been sent each student registered for the course: We will have 8 presentations on Nov. 26 each taking 20 min including questions. The format will be like a conference with 4 contributions before a 20 min break followed by the last 4. Starting as usual at 0915, this means we will end at 1215.

Practical matters: The presentations will be given in the order they appear in the Wiki. Remenber that as a rule of thumb, one slide typically takes about 2 min to cover. Leaving 5 min for questions and comments, this means no more than 8-10 slides. No grades will be announced before the final oral exam on Dec. 8.

Published Nov. 25, 2009 4:54 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2009 4:55 PM