
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
22.01.2008Sisse og Anders? Infra, InterMedia? Introduction to the course. Joint lecture with INF5200 (CSCW)? ?
29.01.2008Anders? Infra? Introduction to CSCW. Joint lecture with INF5200? Mandatory: Ellis et al. (1991), Grudin (1994)?
05.02.2008Sisse? Infra? Social science methods, Joint lecture with INF 5200? Mandatory: Blomberg et. al. (1993), Brown et al. (2007)?
12.02.2008Kathrine? Infra? Cultural Historical Activity Theory. Joint lecture with INF5200? Mandatory: Engestr?m (2001), Kaptelinin & Nardi (2006)?
19.02.2008Anders? M?terommet/InterMedia? Introduction to CSCL? Readings: Dillenbourg et al., 1996; Stahl et al., 2006; Ludvigsen & M?rch (2008)?
26.02.2008Anders bortreist? M?terommet (kan g? andre steder etterhvert)? Project work? Establish groups, decide on project theme, work in confluence to create a work space?
29.02.2008? ? Deliverable 1? 1-page project proposal due at 4pm?
04.03.2008Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? 21st century abilities (knowledge society skills)? Readings: Scardamalia & Bereiter (2006), Wegerif (2002), Fischer et al. (1995) ?
11.03.2008Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? History and paradigms of educational technology? Readings: Cuban (1986), Koschmann (1996), Presenter: Ingrid Elise?
18.03.2008? ? P?skeuke ;-)? No lecture?
25.03.2008Kathrine & Anders? M?terommet? Developmental models of learning (externalization & internalization)? Readings: Stahl (2000), Engestrom (2005), Supplementary: Wertsch & Stone (1985), Presenter: Jan Henrik?
01.04.2008Anders bortreist? M?terommet (ev. andre steder)? Project work? Continue to work in project groups on deliverable 2?
04.04.2008? ? Deliverable 2? 5-page midterm report (first version of project report) due at 4pm ?
08.04.2008Kathrine & Anders? M?terommet? Identifying CSCL practices from a workplace study (KIKK project presentation)? Readings: No readings this time, Anders & Kathrine will present a paper on the KIKK project, PPT slides will be provided.?
15.04.2008Guest lecture by P?l Fugelli? M?terommet? Collaboration & learning I: Intersubjectivity and common ground? Readings: Rommetveit (1976), Baker et al. (1999), Supplementary: Linell (2003), Suthers (2005)?
22.04.2008Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? Educational critiquing systems (EssayCritic demo)? Readings: Qiu & Riesbeck (2004), Soller et al. (2005), Cheung et al. (2007), Presenter: Daniel?
29.04.2008Kathrine & Anders? M?terommet? Collaboration & learning II: Monologue, dialogue, and trialogue? Readings: Weinberger et al. (2007), Wegerif (2005), Paavola & Hakkarainen (2005), Presenter: Yulia?
06.05.2008Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? Social awareness as learning support ? Readings: Gutwin et al. (1995), B?dker & Christiansen (2006), Ogata et al. (2007), Presenter: Ole-Anders?
13.05.2008Guest lecture by Ingvill Rasmussen and Ole Sm?rdal? M?terommet? Methodology for classroom studies (TWEAK project presentation)? Readings: Brown (1992), Jordan & Henderson (1995)?
20.05.2008? ? Deliverable 3? Final project report due at midnight in Confluence?
22.05.2008Anders? M?terommet? Summary lecture? Overview of material and relationship of ideas spring 2008?
27.05.2008Anders, Kathrine, Sisse? Infra? Joint lecture with INF5200 (CSCW)? Presentation of projects?
03.06.2008Anders & Sensor? ? ? Oral exam. Letter-grade?
Published Feb. 11, 2008 9:23 PM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2009 11:00 PM