Exam information

General rules:

  • The exam time is 4.5 hours. 
  • All examination support materials are allowed (eg textbook, online resources, mathematical software, etc.).
  • It is not allowed to collaborate or communicate with others about the assignments during the exam.
  • You can be selected for a control interview on your examination answer, in order to determine your ownership to the answer. This discussion will not affect the grade, but can lead to the Department issuing a suspicion-of-cheating case. Read more about what we consider to be cheating on UiO's website: /english/about/regulations/studies/studies-examinations/routines-cheating.html
  • Otherwise, the information from the MN Faculty concerning exams autumn 2020 applies: https://www.mn.uio.no/english/about/hse/corona/examination-2020.html


The examination:

  • Students who wish, can sit on the University's premises during the home exam. If you would like to sit at Blindern, you can book a reading room directly from mid-November; if you would like to sit at ITS contact studieinfo@its.uio.no.
  • The exam will be available in Inspera from the start time of the exam. Login: https://uio.inspera.no/
  • In ordinary exams the teacher usually comes by the examination room in order to answer questions from the students regarding the exam questions (“tr?sterunde”). Information on whether/how this will be for your exam is announced where you will normally find information in your course (semester page / Canvas) closer to the exam date. Stay up to date on exam information posted here.


                                                            - the study administration

Published Nov. 16, 2020 1:49 PM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2020 8:28 PM