Welcome to first lecture

The first lecture in the course Multi-agent systems is held on Wednesday August 25 at 9.15 in Auditorium GR19 at ITS  UiO/ITS. All interested students are welcome to physically attend the start-up of the course.

This year all lectures will also be live streamed on zoom, links can be found on the "timeplan" course web page. Recorded videos of the lectures will be made available on the course page after each lecture, with the restriction that only students registered for the course will have access to the recorded videos.

Also, remember to update yourself on UiO covid guidelines. Here is a link for covid information at UiO /english/about/hse/corona/index.html

Publisert 18. aug. 2021 11:46 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2021 11:46