The general guidelines for the 2024 oral exam in Multiagent systems are now published. The guidelines can be found using the following link:
Lecture 13 November 2024 is cancelled. However, a link to the video of last year's lecture on the same topic can be found on the course web page for 2023.
Exam will be oral this year. Exam dates are December 9, 10, 11 and 12 at ITS. If you are not available on any of these dates (and have not told us previously), please let us know by sending a mail to
Also, if you have a valid reason for not physically attending the oral exam at ITS, please let us know by sending a mail to
Last date for withdrawing from the exam is two weeks before first exam date.
The student administration will send out a formal list of each student’s exam time in due time (but not before the exam withdrawal deadline).
All obligs must be approved in order to take the exam.
It is time for the midterm evaluation of the course. Could you please comment the questions below and send them to me. Participation in the evaluation is volunteer.
1. Continue doing – do more of (Fortsett med - gj?r mer av):
2. Improve – do less of (Forbedre - gj?r mindre av):
3. I have learnt most from (Dette har jeg l?rt/hatt utbytte av):
4. What is missing (Dette savner jeg):
Send your comments by email to
There is no lecture week 40 due to the autumn holiday.
The obligatory assignments are now published on the course web (Timeplan) page. Report delivery dates are September 29 for the first oblig and November 6 for the second oblig. Obligs are to be delivered as a short report by e-mail to
The report should contain answers to all the questions, include discussions on simulation results in the form of graphs, tables or figures, and an appendix with the simulation program code. The report should be delivered as a pdf file.
The first lecture in the course TEK5010/9010 Multiagent systems is held on Wednesday August 21 at 9.15 in room 402 at ITS/UiO. All interested students are welcome to physically attend the start-up of the course.
All lectures will be live streamed on zoom using this link:
The same link is also posted on the "timeplan" course web page.
Recorded videos of the lectures will be made available on the course page after each lecture, with the restriction that only students registered for the course will have access to the recorded videos.