Week 2 - Image formation
How does a physical camera work and how can we describe it mathematically?

Lecture 2: Image formation
In this first week with pre-recorded lectures we will give an overview over how the forward imaging process works, and how we can apply convenient mathematical theory to model it.
Alternative video lectures in Norwegian
The videos above are new recordings performed in English on updated material. But last year's videos cover more or less the same material in Norwegian, for those who prefer that:
- Light, camera, optics and colour (alt. video)
- The perspective camera model (alt. video)
- Basic projective geometry (alt. video)
Recommended reading
- Szeliski chapter 2.
Lab 2: Transformations with Eigen or NumPy
We will in this lab get some experience with image transformations using the Eigen library in C++ and the NumPy library in Python.
Find the lab
You will find the lab at https://github.com/tek5030/lab-transformations.