Week 9 - Single-view geometry
How can we automatically estimate the camera pose given a map of the scene?
- Estimating camera pose from a single image and a known map (video | pdf)
- Jacobians with vectors and poses (video (Norwegian) | pdf)
- Nonlinear least squares (video (Norwegian) | pdf)
- Nonlinear MAP estimation (video (Norwegian) | pdf)
- Estimating pose by minimising reprojection error (video (Norwegian) | pdf)
Recommended reading
- Szeliski: Ch. 11.1 - 11.2.3
- VSLAM-Handbook: Ch. 5, 6.1-6.2 and 7
Lab: Pose estimation and Augmented Reality
In this lab we will implement real-time pose estimation based on 2D-3D correspondences from scratch!
You will find the lab at https://github.com/tek5030/lab-pose-estimation.
Follow the lab guide in README.md.
You will find the lab at https://github.com/tek5030/lab-pose-estimation-py.
Follow the lab guide in README.md.