
Publisert 24. nov. 2020 10:41

The exam takes place as an oral exam on 8Dec2020. 
Please book your 30 min time slot on
In case you prefer Zoom, please let me know on forehand. 
Kind regards


Publisert 25. aug. 2020 00:02

Lectures remain on Tuesdays 1315-1545h at Gunnar Randers vei 19, Kjeller - with for those who can't join in person

Publisert 17. aug. 2020 22:57

Lectures remain on Tuesdays PM. (As one student has a conflict, we'll ask to move TEK5110 to 0900-1200 on Tuesdays.) 
Notes from first Lecture L1 (18Aug2020) is published on the Wiki.

Recording was done, will be made available. 

The detailed lecture plan is presented on our TEK5110 Wiki: 

Virtual participation is enabled: 

Be welcome
Maghsoud & Josef