

Labheftet ca 50 sider + Egenproduserte forelesningsnotater

+ Fra boken "Quantitative Chemical Analysis" av Harris (7. utg.) ca 200 sider

Kap. 0. The Analytical Process – hele: 8 s (egenstudium). 0-1. The analytical chemist`s job 0-2. General steps in a chemical analysis

Kap. 1. Measurements – hele: 9 s (egenstudium) 1-1. SI units 1-2. Chemical concentrations 1-3. Preparing solutions 1-4. Stoichiometry calculations

Kap. 2. Tools of the Trade – hele: 18 s (2.10 og 2.11 – 4 s - er introduksjon til Excel (egenstudium) 2-1. Safe, ethical handling of chemicals and waste 2-2. The lab notebook 2-3. Analytical balance 2-4. Burets 2-5. Volumetric flasks 2-6. Pipets and syringes 2-7. Filtration 2-8. Drying 2-9. Calibration of volumetric glassware 2-10. Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2-11. Graphing with Microsoft Excel

Kap. 3. Experimental Error – hele: 12 s 3-1. Significant figures 3-2. Significant figures in arithmetic 3-3. Types of error 3-4. Propagation of uncertainty from random error 3-5. Propagation of uncertainty: systematic error

Kap. 4. Statistics and Spreadsheets – hele: 21 s 4-1. Gaussian distribution 4-2. Confidence intervals 4-3. Comparison of means with Student`s t 4-4. Comparison of standard deviation with the F test 4-5. t test with a spreadsheet 4-6. Q test for bad data 4-7. The method of least squares (only pages 65-66) 4-8. Calibration curves 4-9. A spreadsheet for least squares

Kap. 5. Quality assurance and calibration methods - 4 s Box 5-1 Control charts 5-3. Standard addition

Kap. 7. Let the Titrations Begin (ca. 4 sider) 7-1. Titrations (2 s) 7-2. Kun s. 124-125 (2 s). Kjeldahl analyse

Kap. 15 Electrodes and Potensiometry ca. 24 sider 15-1. Reference electrodes (unntatt box 15-1) 15-2. Indicator electrodes 15-3. What is a junction potential? 15-4. How ion-selective electrodes work 15-5. pH measurements with a glass electrode 15-6. Ion-selective electrodes 15-7. Using ion-selective electrodes 15-8. Solid-state chemical sensors

Kap. 17. Electroanalytical techniques (ca. 2 sider) 17-6. Karl Fischer Titration of H2O. (390-372)

Kap. 18. Fundamentals of Spectrophotometry (ca. 17 sider) (Box 18-2 og 18-3 utg?r) 18-1. Properties of Light 18-2. Absorption of Light 18-3. Measuring Absorbance 18-4. Beer`s Law in Chemical Analysis 18-5. What happens When a Molecule Absorbs light? 18-6. Luminescence

Kap. 20. Spectrophotometers (ca 10 sider) (Box 20-1 og 20-2 utg?r) 20-1. Lamps and lasers: Sources of Light 20-2. Monochromators 20-3. Detectors

Kap. 21. Atomic Spectroscopy (ca 17 sider) 21-1. An Overview 21-2. Atomization: Flames, Furnaces, and Plasmas 21-3. How Temperature Affects Atomic Spectroscopy 21-4. instrumentation 21-5. Interferences 21-6. Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry

Kap. 23. Introduction to analytical separations (ca. 20 sider) 23-1. Solvent extraction (4 s) 23-2. What is chromatography? (3 s) 23-3. A plumber`s view of chromatography (4 s) 23-4. Efficiency of separation (6 s) 23-5. Why bands spread. kun s. 516-517 (2 s)

Kap. 24. Gas chromatography (ca. 14 sider) 24-1. The separation process in gas chromatography (10 s) 24-2. Sample injection s. 538-540 til An alternative means of ...... (2 s) 24-3. Detectors – kun flame ionization detector s. 542-543 (2 s) og MS s. 545-546 (2 s)

Kap. 25. High performance liquid chromatography (ca. 13 sider) 25-1. The chromatographic process s. 557-565 (9 s) 25-2. Injection and detection in HPLC s. 570-573 (til Evaporative Light-scattering detector) (4 s)

Kap. 26. Chromatographic methods and capillary electrophoresis (ca. 6 sider) 26-5: sidene 603-608 unntatt box 26-2 26-6: side 615 (fra Micellar electrokinetic chromatography) - 616 (til Sweeping.....)

Kap. 27. Gravimetric and combustion analysis (ca. 3 sider) 27.4. Combustion analysis (ca. 3 sider)

Kap. 28. Sample Preparation (ca. 9 sider) s. 644-645 (ikke 28-1) ca. 2 s 28-2. Dissolving Samples for Analysis. (650-655; ca 4 sider + tabeller) 28-3. Sample Preparation Techniques. (655-658 til preconcentration; ca. 3 sider)

Den f?rste siden i hvert kapittel (med bl? bakgrunn) er ikke pensum.


Forelesningsnotater om titrering Viktige begreper i analytisk kjemi (6 sider, men noe overlapp med kap. 0 i Harris)

Publisert 13. okt. 2009 15:51 - Sist endret 30. nov. 2009 12:44