
KJM 3200 – Required Reading (Pensum), Fall 2019

? John McMurry: “Organic Chemistry” 9. ed. as specified below.
? Lise-Lotte Gundersen “KJM 3200. Organic Chemistry II. Laboratory manual”, Fall 2018

After completing the introductory course in organic chemistry (KJM1111) as well as KJM3200, the intention is
that the student shall master the subjects presented in McMurry except most metabolic pathways, polymer
chemistry, (and other parts about polymer chemistry and biochemistry elsewere in the book), and the
spectroscopy covered by KJM3000.

Required reading from "McMurry 9. ed"

Topic Chapter Title Ca.No of pages
Dienes 14 Conjugated compounds and UV spectroscopy 13
  14.1 Stability of conjugated dienes: MO theory  
  14.2 Electrophilic addition to conjugated dieles: Allylic carbocations.  
  14.3 Kinetic vs thermodynamic control of reactions.  
  14.9 Conjugation, color, and the chemistry of vision  
Organometallics 10 Organohalides 3
  10.7 Organometallic coupling reaction  
Reactions of
alkohols and
17 Alcohols and Phenols 7
  17.8 Protection of alcohols  
  17.9 Phenols and their use  
  17.10 Reactions on phenols  
Reactions of
thiols and
18 Ethers and Epoxides; Thiols and Sulfides 19
  18.1 Names and properties of ethers  
  18.2 Preparing ethers  
  18.3 Reactions of ethers: Acidic cleavage  
  18.5 Cyclic ethers: Epoxides  
  18.6 Reactions of epoxides: Ring-opening  
  18.7 Crown ethers  
  18.8 Thiols and sulfides  
Reactions of
and ketone
19 Aldehydes and Ketones: Nucleophilic addition reactions 5
  19.3 Conjugate nucleophilic addition to α,β unsaturated aldehydes and ketones  
Carbonyl α-
23 Carbonyl condensation reactions (the whole chapt. except 23.13) 13
  23.7 The Claisen condensation reaction  
  23.8 Mixed Claisen condensation  
  23.9 Intramolecular Claisen condensation: The Dieckmann cyclization  
  23.10 Conjugate carbonyl addition: The Michael reaction  
  23.11 Carbonyl condensation with enamines: The Stork reaction  
  23.12 The Robinson annulation reaction  
16 Chemistry of benzene: Electrophilic aromatic substitution 4
  16.6 Nucleophilic aromatic substitution  
  16.7 Benzyne  
Amines &
24 Amines and heterocycles 23
  24.6 Synthesis of amines (from p 800)  
  24.7 Reactions of amines  
  24.8 Reactions of arylamines  
  24.9 Heterocyclic amines  
Carbohydrates 25 Biomolecules: Carbohydrates 30
  25.1 Classification of carbohydrates  
  25.2 Depicting carbohydrate stereochemistry: Fisher projections  
  25.3 D,L Sugars  
  25.4 Configaration of aldoses  
  25.5 Cyclic structures of monosaccharides: Anomers  
  25.6 Reactions of monosaccharides  
  25.8 Disaccharides  
  25.9 Polysaccarides and theirs synthesis  
26 Biomolecules: Amino acids, peptides and proteins (the whole chapt. 26
except 26.9-26.11)
27 Biomolecules: Lipids (the whole chapt. ) 30
28 Biomolecules: Nucleic acids 9
  28.1 Nucleotides and Nucleic acids  
  28.2 Base pairing in DNA: The Watson-Crick Model  
  28.7 DNA synthesis  
8 Alkenes: Reactions and Synthesis 3
  8.9 Addition of carbenes to alkenes: Cyclopropan e synthesis  
  14 Conjugated compounds and UV spectroscopy 5
  14.4 The Diels Alder cycloaddition reaction  
  14.5 Charactheristics of the Diels Alder reaction  
  18 Ethers and epoxides; thiols and sulfides 2
  18.4 Reactions of ethers: Claisen rearrangement  
  30 Orbitals and organic chemistry: Pericyclic reactions (the whole chapt.) 18
Total No of pages*     207

*The nummer of pages doesnot include exercises at the end of the chapters and "Something extra"

Publisert 14. aug. 2020 15:20 - Sist endret 14. aug. 2020 15:20