Dear 5250 / 9250 participants - spring 2012. The obligatory laboratory/colloquies are held on Mondays and Tuesday for up to 15 weeks, starting February 6th. Each of you will be working at an nmr spectrometer only one day per week. You will be working in pairs setting up and executing a whole bunch of nmr experiments on the spectrometer: AVII400, DRX500 and AVII600. You will be rotated between the three instruments. We will discuss theory and practical aspects in the nmr rooms. Up to 6 persons will work on Mondays and up to 6 persons on Tuesdays. The work starts at 0900 AM and stops at 17.00 (05.00 PM) but your actual experiment might run until next morning when you will come in and stop the experiment.
In case Mondays or Tuesdays are in conflict with your teaching obligations as a PhD student the Monday groups or the Tuesday groups will be moved to Fridays if all assigned to that day do agree.