Pensum/l?ringskrav ( - V?r 2013) …
Pensum/l?ringskrav ( - V?r 2013)
Recommended reading: Timothy, D. W. Claridge: High-Resolution NMR Techniques in Organic Chemistry, 1999. Pergamon Press. ISBN: 0080427987. Pergamon Press. In module 1 in KJM-MENA4010 (experimental methods) the students are advised to read chapters 1, 2 and 3 in the book mentioned above: Concerning chapter 1. It is assumed you know the content of pages 1-12 from earlier courses. (For instance from KJM3000). Chapter 2. “Introducing high resolution NMR”. It is assumed that you know the content of pages 13-43 from previous education (For instance from KJM3000). Chapter 3. You should read pages 45-110. “Practical aspects of high-resolution NMR." If you still are not familiar with this material you should start reading these three chapters or equivalent material carefully again. Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 8 in the same book are included in the curriculum of KJM5250. If you find these four chapters difficult to digest you can alternatively read the book written by Horst Friebolin: "Basic One-and Two-dimensional NMR Spectroscopy", third revised edition, ISBN: 3-527-29513-5. Chapters: 5 and 6 until end of 6.3.5 and chapters 7, 8 until end of 8.6, you do not need to read 8.7 but 8.8 you should read then read chapters 9 and 10 until end of 10.4
The web resources: and (NB! htm not html in the last one) will be used in the lectures and you can learn a lot yourself watching them again and again. The main part of the curriculum consists of the laboratory course/laboratory manuals which you will find at - Click on “NMR manuals” and locate those you need. Currently (October 23rd 2009) only KJM5250 manuals using the old software XwinNmr is located here. Before the start of the course in 2010 new TopSpin 1.3 manuals are planned to be made. The laboratory course is the most important single part of KJM5250 and you will be tested at least 50% in practical aspects at a NMR spectrometer at the exam.