Information about KJM 5250/9250 spring 2018.

The main theme in this course is science and technology  in combination. Being able to perform complex nmr experimenst yourself. You will struggle with non intuitive nmr software so you will be able to solve your scientific questions.

Please look at:

New Book this year:

The Teacher has asked for a teacher's copy of this book from the University Library, but has not received it.  A  copy was ordered from before Christmas, and it arrived on January 5th 2018.  Chapter 13 is new and higly relevant. Please start with reading chapter 13 first.  The curriculum (pages) from this new book will be determined during weeks 2 and/or 3 in January 2018. 

And most but not all of: 

A new manual describing fascinating new experiments with solvent peak suppressions for minute samples is under preparation in Hamilton New Zealand by Professor emeritus Alistair Lawrence Wilkins.  Part of this manual (for AVI600, AVII600 and AVIIIHD800 nmr instruments) will be tested in the course.


Publisert 2. jan. 2018 11:22 - Sist endret 9. jan. 2018 13:53