
Publisert 2. jan. 2024 08:38

You are exposed to high magnetic fields and other hazards in KJM 5250/KJM 9250. You have to be aware of some health concerns in KJM 5250/KJM 9580. 1. If you use a pacemaker to regulate your heart or have a stent in your body you can regretfully not participate. If you earlier in life have been in a war zone and was exposed to exploding devices and still have iron shrapnel pieces in your body you can not participate. 2. The NMR-magnets can suddenly/violently stop being super conducting. Then the room is filled with nitrogen- and/or helium gas. Leave the room as fast as you can if this happens. 3. If a magnet slowly releases its nitrogen and/or helium content the oxygen content will fall below life sustaining levels and you might not observe this, except that you will fall asleep/faint and then die. Oxygen sensors will activate, while there is still enough oxyge...

Publisert 2. jan. 2024 08:15

KJM 5250/KJM 9250 are technologically complex and difficult courses to follow.  A good understanding of the file structures of the Windows operating systems (XP, 7 and 10) will help a bit. 

You are expected to know, remember and being able to use the NMR-knowledge you obtained in the course KJM 5280/KJM 9280 (5 study points) when taking KJM 5250/KJM 9250

If you for some reason do not remember the content of KJM 5280/KJM9280 you ought to book NMR instruments time at BookitLab and learn to use the content of the following documents on your own (except tuning and matching manually on the DRX 500 instrument were you will get help). You are free to ask the nmr staff for help now and then, but you will not be guided closely.

Publisert 2. jan. 2024 08:06

The capacity of KJM 5250 in the spring of 2024 is 6 students.  Those 6 students will have combined colloquies/lab courses EITHER on Mondays OR on Thursdays. The week day that suit most of the students will be chosen. Two students will work together at one NMR-instrument. A total of three NMR-instruments will be used and the three pairs will rotate between the three instruments.  We start at the NMR-instruments at 10.00 AM and a teacher will be present until 03.00 PM (15.00). Some days you will continue the work independently into the early night without supervision. You will remove your NMR-sample and log off the NMR-instrument before 09.00 AM the next morning so others can use the instruments.