
Publisert 18. aug. 2020 15:06

New List on August 31st.  Changes has been applied to three persons due to possible illness and exam on August 31st. Two others have been involuntarily moved. 

On August 31st the following 7 students will attend the lectures:

Thomas Nordb? Solvi
Yu-ping Fu <>
Mathias Ryslett Leps?e
Abelone Tislevoll ...

Publisert 18. aug. 2020 14:41

Dear all KJM 5280 and KJM 9280 students.

Earlier years students have been working in pairs in the nmr laboratory. This year each of you will work alone since two people cannot touch the same keyboard without cleaning it every 2 minutes with ethanol solution. and the 1 meter safety distance is not working if two student sits in front of the same computer.

Here is the list of days you will have organized teaching in the nmr labs.

September 1., 2. and 3.

September 7., 8. and 9. and

September 14.,15. and 16. and>

September 21., 22. and 23. and

September 28., 29. and 30.. and

October 5, 6. and 7. and

October 12., 1...

Publisert 17. aug. 2020 13:31

The room - ? 316 - where the lectures are to be held on Monday August 31st is physically too small for 14 students + teacher due to Covid-19 reasons.

You could at an earlier time chose between August 31st or September 4th. You do participate one of the days. The lectures will be almost identical. The lectures starts at 10.15 AM on both days and lasting some hours. Not longer than 14.00. Up to 7 students participate each day. It has now been decided who will meet each of the two days. It is not possible change the assignments anymore.  See another message in the list.


Publisert 13. aug. 2020 16:16

Dear all participants. We are using face masks in KJM 5280/KJM 9280. This applies to the long lecture session on Monday August 31st (if not moved to zoom) or Friday September 4th and all the times you are in the NMR laboratories. On August 31st or September 4th you will be handed a fresh new mask, but later on you have to provide new masks yourself. 

Publisert 15. juli 2020 13:04

You have to be aware of some health concerns in KJM 5280 and KJM 9280. 1. If you use a pacemaker to regulate the frequency of your heart or have a stent in your body you can regretfully not participate. If you earlier in life have been in a war zone and was exposed to exploding devices and still have iron shrapnel pieces in your body you can not participate. 2. The NMR-magnets can suddenly/violently stop being super conducting. Then the room is filled with nitrogen- and helium gas at high speed. Leave the room as fast as you can if this happens. 3. If a magnet slowly releases its nitrogen and/or helium content the oxygen content will fall below life sustaining levels and you might not observe this, except that you will fall asleep/faint and then die. Oxygen sensors will activate, while there is still enough o...

Publisert 15. juli 2020 12:43

The documents located at: contain most of the curriculum in KJM 5280 / KJM 9280. Documents 1, 2 , 3 and 4 (from top) are the most important documents. The contents of document 6 (MestreNova) and document 8 (also MestreNova) you might need to read in order to process your NMR data with MestreNova during your master study (some heads of research groups prefer the students to use the software Topspin and other prefer that the students use MestreNova).  Document 7 (nmr-metabolomics) is relevant only if you have a NMR-metabolomics master research topic. Documents 5 and 9 teaches you how to process nmr-data with TopSpin if you do not have the TopSpin software installed on your private or UiO owned PC. 

Publisert 15. juli 2020 11:04

The content in KJM 5280 is the bare minimum of what you need to learn and deeply understand of NMR-science and technology in order to be a successful Master student in organic chemistry and related topics. The goal is to learn, understand and remember all of it for the rest of your life. And you shall being able to use the knowledge, not only at the mid term exam but also later in your life. You shall know how to successfully and safely operate nmr-spectrometers for real experiments during the semester and later. This is not a course where you superficially hear about a topic and then reproduce part of the content orally or in written form. You shall MASTER the content of the course and be able to use in practice what you learn in real life. The size of the course is 5 study point and this corresponds to approximately 100 working hours. 

Publisert 17. juni 2020 18:04

In the autumn of 2020 KJM 5280 is run as a regular course lasting the whole semester. Usually the course is finished in 4-5 weeks.  In order to fulfill the Corona virus regulations, the starting lectures will maybe be given as zoom lectures.  In case regular lectures are given they will take place in room ? 316 in the Chemistry building on Monday August 31st and Friday September 4th. The lectures will not be recorded and are only available when they take place.  The course will accommodate up to 12 students.  6 students participate August 31st and 6 students participate September 4th. It is compulsory to participate.  You will regretfully not be allowed into the nmr-laboratories unless you participate in the lectures. 

Earlier years students have been working in pairs in the nmr la...