
In the autumn of 2020 KJM 5280 is run as a regular course lasting the whole semester. Earlier years the course finished in 4-5 weeks.  In order to fulfill the Corona virus regulations, the starting lectures will maybe be given as zoom lectures.  In case regular lectures are given they will take place in room ? 316 in the Chemistry building on Monday August 31st and Friday September 4th. The lectures will not be recorded and are only available when they take place.  The course will accommodate up to 12 students.  6 students participate August 31st and 6 students participate September 4th. It is compulsory to participate. 

In the autumn of 2020 KJM 5280 is run as a regular course lasting the whole semester. Earlier years the course finished in 4-5 weeks.  In order to fulfill the Corona virus regulations, the starting lectures will maybe be given as zoom lectures.  In case regular lectures are given they will take place in room ? 316 in the Chemistry building on Monday August 31st and Friday September 4th. The lectures will not be recorded and are only available when they take place.  The course will accommodate up to 12 students.  6 students participate August 31st and 6 students participate September 4th. It is compulsory to participate.  You will regretfully not be allowed into the nmr-laboratories unless you participate in the lectures. 

Earlier years students have been working in pairs in the nmr laboratory. This year each of you will work alone. 

September 1., 2. and 3. Two students will be in the nmr-laboratories. 

September 7., 8. and 9. Two students will be in the nmr-laboratories.

September 14.,15. and 16. Two students will be in the nmr-laboratories.

September 21., 22. and 23. Two students will be in the nmr-laboratories.

September 28., 29. and 30.Two students will be in the nmr-laboratories.

October 5, 6. and 7. Two students will be in the nmr-laboratories.

October 12., 13. and 14. Two students will be in the nmr-laboratories. 

On these days you will have reserved a nmr -spectrometer for yourself from 10.00 to 16.00.  Teachers will be available but not present all the time. In addition you will practice a lot on your own on many other days.  On regular working days not mentioned in the period above you are allowed to book time on the web form and train on the instruments by yourself.  In one of the days in the period October 12. to 20. you will participate in a midterm exam lasting one hour on a spectrometer.  On November 13. you will hand in your written report.  Later you will present your nmr-results obtained on a molecule given to you. 

This will be done in lecture hall where anyone can attend and listen to you. 

The main learning goals of the course are: 

  1. You will be given safety instructions.  You will learn to be able to operate three nmr instruments (DPX200, DRX300 and DRX500) manually while acquiring 1H, 1319F and 31P one dimensional nmr spectra. 
  2. You will learn to process two dimensional nmr spectra (COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY, HSQC, HMBC and so forth).
  3. You will learn to acquire all the spectra mentioned in points 1. and 2. under almost complete automation on the AVII400, AVIIIHD400 and AVII600 nmr spectrometers.
  4. You will be tested on a spectrometer to see that you have acquired competence in handling the instruments.
  5. You will write a report where you prove that you understand the chemical content of the acquired data and you will assign all nmr frequency data to the atomic (nuclear) positions in the molecule you are given.  
  6. You will present your report in an open lecture.
Publisert 17. aug. 2020 13:46 - Sist endret 17. aug. 2020 13:46