
Publisert 14. aug. 2023 10:39

There are three evaluation points in KJM 5280 / KJM 9280.

1. The mid term exam on a nmr spectrometer. October 3rd, 4th and 5th.
2. Your written report. All students hand in their reports at the latest on Monday October 30th. 
3. The presentation of your scientific results. 


In evaluation 3 you will present your logical thinking in elucidating the chemical structure of your molecule using a power point presentation showing all the connection points between the atoms in the molecule using lots and lots of nmr spectra. 


Publisert 14. aug. 2023 10:30

The written reports in the course is to be handed in as both pdf and word documents, as well as a printed copy. 

All students hand in their reports at the latest on Monday October 30th. Please hand it in earlier if possible.  It will however take some time after October 30th before you know if the report is approved or not. FR is having vacation from November 2nd to and including November 12th and all Fridays the rest of the semester. It will take up to one working day to read and evaluate each report which means it might take up to December 1st before all has been corrected. 

Publisert 14. aug. 2023 10:24

Mid term exams will be arranged during October 3rd, 4th and 5th. The exam is taking place at a nmr spectrometer and lasts up to one hour. 

Publisert 10. aug. 2023 09:11

Please come to room Curie on Monday August 21st from 10.15 to 14.00.  The lectures are compulsory and you might regretfully loose your lab day slots if you are not showing up. If there is a waiting list a person on the waiting list might be given your place in the course if you do not show up. 

Publisert 10. aug. 2023 09:08

You are exposed to high magnetic fields and other hazards in KJM 5280 and KJM 9280. You have to be aware of some health concerns in KJM 5280 and KJM 9280. 1. If you use a pacemaker to regulate the frequency of your heart or have a stent in your body you can regretfully not participate. If you earlier in life have been in a war zone and was exposed to exploding devices and still have iron shrapnel pieces in your body you can not participate. 2. The NMR-magnets can suddenly/violently stop being super conducting. Then the room is filled with nitrogen- and helium gas. Leave the room as fast as you can if this happens. 3. If a magnet slowly releases its nitrogen and/or helium content the oxygen content will fall below life sustaining levels and you might not observe this, except that you will fall asleep/faint and then die. Oxygen sensors will activate, while there...

Publisert 10. aug. 2023 09:07

The content in KJM 5280/9280 contain the bare minimum of what you need to learn and deeply understand of practical NMR in order to be a successful Master student in organic chemistry and related topics. The main goal is to learn, understand and use all of the content as long as you are a master student or PhD student. You ought to be able to use the knowledge, not only during the one hour mid term exam, but also later. You shall use and safely operate nmr-spectrometers for real experiments.This is not a course where you superficially hear about a topic and then reproduce part of the content orally or in written form at the exam. You ought to MASTER the content of the course and to be able to use what you learn. The size of the course is 5 study point and this corresponds to approximately 100 working hours. 

Publisert 10. aug. 2023 09:06

The nmr-laboratory exercises will take place in rooms ? 332, 334, 338 and 340 in the Chemistry building. Please contact the administration on the UE-floor in the west wing of the Chemistry building to activate your access to the 3rd floor in the east wing of the building. You might not be able to use the elevators to the third floor and you might not be able to enter the third floor from the stairs if you do not activate your key card/UiO identity card. 

Publisert 10. aug. 2023 09:04


21.08.2023 10:15 - 14:00

Kjemibygningen: Seminarrom Curie, might be changed to Seminarrom ? 316 if the local IT network is slow this day. Then we ad hoc move to ? 316.