Teaching - time and place

The course will be given in a compact 3-week format, in the last 3 weeks of October. Associated to the course is a 1-day modeling workshop (see below).

It is compulsory to attend the first lecture.

The teacher is Ute Krengel.


The first lecture is on Monday 12/10 at 10:15, room V205 (Dept. of Chemistry).

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10:15 -12:00 and 13:15 -15:00, Room to be assigned.


There will be 4 practicals, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  • Tuesday?13 October 10:15 -15:00

    Room to be decided.

  • Tuesday?20 October 10:15 -15:00,?Rom V 180?Kjemibygningen

  • Thursday?22 October 10:15 -15:00,?Rom V 180?Kjemibygningen

  • Tuesday?27 October 10:15 -15:00,?Rom V 180?Kjemibygningen

Litterature Presentations

The student literature presentations will be held on Thursday 29/10 from 10:15 (room to be assigned).

A detailed course plan will be made available under "Schedule"

Associated Workshop

Not part of the course, but associated to it is a 1-day intensive workshop on Molecular Modeling (on 30/10, 8:15-16:00). Interested participants shall flag their interest by notifying the teacher of the workshop, Jon K. L?rdahl (by e-mail: j.k.lardahl at medisin.uio.no).

Published Apr. 3, 2009 11:32 AM - Last modified June 17, 2009 1:00 PM