
Publisert 11. mai 2007 13:53

Lecture note for the last three lectures are uploaded

Publisert 23. apr. 2007 13:14

Summary (incl. notes for the exam) is also uploaded

Publisert 19. apr. 2007 03:37

Lecture notes for April 19th is uploaded

Publisert 12. apr. 2007 02:10

Lecture notes for April 12th is uploaded

Publisert 29. mars 2007 03:30

Lecture notes for March 22nd is uploaded, schedule updated and exercise 3 for March 29th is uploaded

Publisert 15. mars 2007 14:16

Lecture notes for March 15th is ready, the Norwegian version was temporary unavailable, but now both works.

Publisert 1. mars 2007 08:07

Lecture notes for March 1st are ready

Publisert 29. jan. 2007 00:18

Lecture notes for 30th are ready

Publisert 26. jan. 2007 00:00

The lecture on Thursday Feb 1st is moved to Tuesday Jan 30th at 13h15

Publisert 5. jan. 2007 17:42

N? ligger tid for ?velsene ute under "Ukeplan".

Publisert 18. des. 2006 12:35

Forel?pig forelesningsplan ligger n? ute. Har dere noen sp?rsm?l er det bare ? ta kontakt. Hilsen Hans-Petter