


The curriculum is defined as the content of the Powerpoint presentations that are used in the lectures, in addition to the lab compendium.


Lectures as compendium (handout)

            Harald Walderhaug and Stian Svelle: Surface and Nano Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo. The Powerpoint presentations are available in Canvas as pdf-files.


Lab compendium

There are 6 laboratory assignments. The instructions are available in advance in Canvas. The lab starts in April.



There are 8 - 9 exercises. These will be available in Canvas. There are written solutions that are also put in Canvas after the exercises. The solutions will be discussed in the time allocated for exercises.




As additional reading is recommended:


Hans-Jürgen Butt, Karlheinz Graf, and Michael Kappl: Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces,

Wiley-VCH, 2003 (ca 360 pages). This text is highly recommended, and will be referred to in the hand-outs.


Paul C. Hiemenz, and Raj Rajagopalan: Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Marcel Dekker Inc., 3rd ed. 1997 (650 pages).


The book contains most of the curriculum and a lot more. The curriculum is only what is lectured. Some smaller parts of the curriculum are not covered by the book, still buying the book is recommended. During lectures, it will as much as possible be referred to chapters in the book.


The following is a simpler introductory book:


Robert J. Hunter: Introduction to Modern Colloid Science,

Oxford University Press, 1993 - 2002, ISBN 0 19 855386 2

Publisert 7. jan. 2019 13:31 - Sist endret 7. jan. 2019 13:31