Welcome to KJM5912 this autumn
Dear KJM5912 participant - or potential participant,
KJM5912 will run this autumn, but we have limited teaching staff available and needs to do some careful planning to make it work for everybody. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate if you plan or consider to follow KJM5912 this autumn send me a short e-mail. I will then better be able to ensure that you get the best possible teaching and that things goes smoothly. My e-mail address is j.p.omtvedt@kjemi.uio.no.
Please also keep in mind that we require everybody to have KJM5903 - Radiation Protection - prior to taking KJM5912. KJM5903 runs from the start of the semester until end of September. KJM5912 runs from October until mid December. Both courses build on KJM3900 - Radioactivity. If you do not have this course from before you should enroll in KJM4900 (a MSc-level clone of KJM3900) and take that in parallel with KJM5903 and KJM5912.
The first lecture for KJM5912 will be on Monday 3rd of October at 10:15 in VU49 (seminar room Gleditsch).
If you have questions then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best Regards,
Jon Petter (main teacher and course responible)