Module one third important message

Dear all participants and associated participants in KJM-MENA 4010

On Tuesday the same week as Module 1 starts (Thursday) you are invited to come to the nmr labs to change / set your own password on as many PCs as possible.

The accounts are hopefully mirrored in from the UiO system at that time.  You will log in on all PCs not performing experiments and change the common password to one you choose. It is advised to use the same on all of them.

When changing the password on one it is not changed on the others. The PCs are independent of each other.

You are invited to show up in the east wing of the chemistry building at 10.00 AM outside ? 338.  Then we check that your health is good enough to enter the nmr labs and you walk from one Pc to the next. ? 338, ? 340/42, ? 319 and ? 332.

Please show up at 10.00 sharp


Publisert 23. jan. 2014 14:48