KJM5130 – Thermodynamics of materials.

Course content

The thermodynamic properties fo inorganic materials are treated. Emphasis are given to the properties of mixtures. The following topics are treated; thermodynamic basis for description of phases, phase transitions and phase diagrams, chemical and mechanical stability, surfaces and interfaces, modeling phase stability, lattice dynamics and heat capacity, statistical mechanical treatment of solutions and non-stoichiometric compounds, experimental and theoretical methods for determination of thermodynamic properties. The course focuses on the link between microscopic and macroscopic descriptions of the thermodynamics of materials.

Learning outcome

The student should be able to use thermodynamics on solid state equilibria as well as on equilibria between solids and gasses.


Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.


Lectures and seminars will be planned by the students and the teacher at the start of the semester.


Oral exam. Letter grades (A-F).

This course offers new examination in the beginning of the subsequent semester for candidates who fail or withdraw during an ordinary examination.

Information about examination rules.


The teaching will be cancelled if less than 3 students have registered for the course by the closing date for course registration in January/August.

Facts about this course

Spring 2010

The course will not be taught autumn 2009.

Spring 2010
Teaching language
Norwegian (English on request)