Semester page for KJM5900 - Autumn 2004
Exam resources
Informasjon og l?remateriell (Information and Course Material)
- Timeplaner (Autumn Schedules)
- Forelesningsnotater og st?ttematerial (Lecture Notes and Support Material)
Oppgaver (exercises)
Besvarte gruppeoppgaver (Group project reports)
RoboLab og simuleringer (RoboLab and Simulations)
- Les dette f?rst!!! Dvs. kj?r programmet (Read this before you start!!! I.e. run the program)
- LabView run time module (LARGE FILE!)
- Gamma Detector Simulation
- Kompilert versjon av RoboLab utpr?vingsoppgaven (compiled version of the RoboLab test exercise)
- RoboLab ?velsesoppgave (RoboLab learning exercise)
Tabeller og databaser (Tables and Databases)
Nyttige verdensvevsider (Useful Links)
- Glenn Seaborg's Greatest Hits
- Glenn Seaborg - His Life and Contributions
- Science Beat: Glenn Seaborg
- Internation Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Internation Commission on Radiological Protection
- Statens Str?levern (Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority)
- Statens str?lskyddsinsttitut (Swedish Radiaton Proteciton Authority
- Str?ls?kerhetscentralen (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority Finland)
- Uranium Information Centre
- Accelerator-driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reactors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles
- World Nuclear Association