
Forelesninger (p? VU55) vil v?re p?:

- mandager kl. 09:15-11:00

- torsdager kl. 09:15-11:00


- torsdager kl. 11:15-12:00


Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
20.08.2012 Per Hoff? VU55? Basics (I)? Summary of KJM 3900?
27.08.2012 Per Hoff? VU55? Basics (II)? Summary of KJM 3900?
30.08.2012 Tor Bj?rnstad? VU55? NORM/TENORM? ?
10.09.2012 J. P. Omtvedt? VU55? Detection techniques (I)? Introduction and basics?
13.09.2012 Tor Bj?rnstad? VU55? Physical separation methods? ?
17.09.2012 Per Hoff? VU55? Production of Radionuclides? ?
20.09.2012 Tor Bj?rnstad? VU55? Chemical Separation Methods? ?
24.09.2012 J. P. Omtvedt? VU55? Detection Techniques (II)? Gamma absorption and detection?
27.09.2012 J. P. Omtvedt? VU55? Detection Techniques (III)? Counting Statistics and uncertainty?
01.10.2012 J. P. Omtvedt? VU55? Detection Techniques (III)? Semiconductors?
08.10.2012 J. P. Omtvedt? VU55? Detection Techniques (IV)? LSC basics?
11.10.2012 Tor Bj?rnstad? VU55? Radiochemical Analysis (II)? - Particle-induced anal. - Gamma-induced anal.?
15.10.2012 Per Hoff? VU55? Radiation Induced Chemical Reactions? ?
18.10.2012 Tor Bj?rnstad? VU55? Radiochemical Analysis (III)? Isotope dilution analysis?
22.10.2012 KJM5911 (JPO)? VU55? Theory for Lab 4? Note: This is NOT KJM5901?
25.10.2012 Tor Bj?rnstad? VU55? Nuclear Dating Methods? ?
29.10.2012 KJM5911 (JPO)? VU55? Theory for Lab 5? Note: This is NOT KJM5901?
01.11.2012 Tor Bj?rnstad? VU55? Tracer Technology (I)? Basics?
08.11.2012 Tor Bj?rnstad? VU55? Tracer Technology (II)? Applications?
12.11.2012 KJM5911 (JPO)? VU55? Theory for Lab 6? Note: This is NOT KJM5901?
15.11.2012 Tor Bj?rnstad? Vu55? Tracer Technology (III)? Production?
Publisert 13. aug. 2012 14:18 - Sist endret 8. okt. 2012 14:31