
Publisert 23. mai 2016 20:35

Answers to exam spring 2015 can be found [here].

Publisert 6. mai 2016 14:18

Everyone should now have received feedback also on their second attempt on the mandatory assignment. If you have not, please contact me.


Publisert 28. apr. 2016 16:16

The final lecture of the semester will be given by Solveig Bruvoll, Wednesday May 11 (10:15-11:00).

Path planning for autonomous vehicles

Solveig Bruvoll is a researcher at  the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) and has a PhD in informatics from UiO. Solveig will present their research regarding path planning methods for autonomous vehicles on land, in the air, and at sea. The path planning method is based on optimization methods for calculating the shortest path through a graph, and the aim is to develop a path planning method that produces situation dependent paths. She will explain the optimization method that is used and how the method is applied to their applications.

Publisert 20. apr. 2016 10:42

If you have handed in a solution to the second mandatory assignment, but not received feedback, contact me immediately at

This time there will be a second attempt for some of you, primarily because a number of the assignments lacked the programming portion. If you would like to discuss the programming with me, I am usually in my office during the daytime, and we can arrange a meeting if you send me an e-mail.


Publisert 17. apr. 2016 18:55

The lecture on Wednesday April 20th is cancelled.

Publisert 5. apr. 2016 10:02

The following two points were raised in the group today, regarding the programming exercise.

  • The "backslash operator" is a MATLAB construct, in Python you should instead investigate linalg.solve in SciPy.
  • If you have the 4th edition of the book, the relevant chapters to the interior-point method are chapters 16-18, not 17-19, and the important figure is 17.1.
Publisert 31. mars 2016 08:02

Send the project by Thursday April 14th, 15:00 o’clock, to Torkel Haufmann ( in a PDF file that you name “user- name.pdf” (your username!). Also attach your computer code, either as a listing in the PDF file or (preferably) as separate files. Moreover, you should read the general information about compulsory projects at the course web page.

Publisert 15. mars 2016 07:06

Due to illness the exercise session scheduled for today (March 15, 08:15) is cancelled.

Publisert 3. mars 2016 11:22

The student representative is Tone ?verby (toneove[@] Any comments or suggestions regarding the course (e.g., lectures, exercises, book, etc.) can be communicated to her.

Publisert 24. feb. 2016 13:44

I have now corrected all the delivered assignments, go to Devilry to see the feedback. As a group you did very well!

Note: If you have not received feedback in Devilry, send me an e-mail as soon as possible.

A few of you will have to hand in a second attempt, and until that has happened we will not be posting the solution online. After everybody is done I will also go through some/all of the assignment in a group session – For example, 1c) and 3a) were among the hard questions this time.

If anybody has any questions or want a more detailed feedback, come see me.


Publisert 4. feb. 2016 11:54

The first mandatory project has been posted [Link]. Send the project by Thursday February 18 at 15:00 to Torkel Kaufmann ( in a single PDF file that you name "username.pdf'" (your username!). Also attach your computer code, either as a listing in the PDF file or (preferrably) as separate files. Moreover, you should read the general information about compulsory projects at the course web page.


Publisert 2. feb. 2016 10:31

As we discussed in the plenary group today, the remote login for starting the OPL IDE does not currently work. I have contacted IT support, and they will make sure everybody gets access to the online server, so it should hopefully be okay soon. I will update this space as soon as I hear back.

For now, the Linux machines in Niels Henrik Abels building should work: simply type the command "oplide" in a terminal to make the program start.

Publisert 5. jan. 2016 09:42