
Publisert 26. nov. 2013 11:07

There will be no lecture Tuesday December 3.

The last lecture will take place Wednesday November 27.



Publisert 26. nov. 2013 11:05



  • 2005 (Norwegian)
  • 2006 (Norwegian/English)
  • 2007 (English)
  • 2008 (English)
  • 2009 (English)
  • 2010 (English)
  •  2011 (English)




Publisert 20. nov. 2013 13:19

The final lecture will take place Tuesday December 3.


The course curriculum: Leary's book from page 1 until page 187 (and nothing else).

Publisert 20. nov. 2013 13:13

Next week we will solve exercises. We start with exercises from the mandatory assignment.  Thereafter we will solve exercises from previous exams. We start with the exam from 2008: Problem 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2f and 2g. We proceed with the exam from 2010: Problem 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Here is a link to the exams.


Beware that the curriculum in 2008, 2009, and 2010, was different from this year's curriculum. This is reflected in the exams. This year's curriculum is the same as in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011 and 2012.

Publisert 12. nov. 2013 15:02

All mandatory assignments are approved.

I have now registered your mandatory assignments in the university's database. Each and one of you should check that you are correctly registered (and thus enrolled for the final exam).

Publisert 30. okt. 2013 16:59

Next week I will lecture the last section of Chapter 3  in Leary's book (Section 3.4). Thereafter, probably on Wednesday, I will start to lecture Chapter 4.

 Exercises that might be solved in the weeks to come: 3.4.1 (page 118): ex. 1, ex. 2. 4.3.1 (page 127): ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 3. 4.3.1 (page 136-137): ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 3, ex. 4, ex 5, ex 8, ex 9.

Publisert 9. okt. 2013 16:18

The lecture October 16 is cancelled.

Publisert 9. okt. 2013 16:10

I have started to lecture Chapter 3 in Leary's book. Exercises that might be solved in the weeks to come : 3.2.1 (page 101): ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 3, ex. 4, ex. 5, ex. 9. 3.3.1 (page 109): ex. 1, ex. 3, ex. 5, ex. 6, ex. 8 a,b,d, ex. 9, ex. 10, ex. 11.

Publisert 9. okt. 2013 16:09

The "oblig" (mandatory assignment) is now available. I have left some copies in my mailbox at the 7th floor (Room B 700, Niels Henrik Abels hus). The deadline is October 24.



Publisert 17. sep. 2013 14:31

I have started to lecture Chapter 2 of Leary's book. Exercises that might be solved in the weeks to come: 2.2.1 (page 55): ex. 1, ex. 4. 2.4.3 (page 62): ex. 4, ex. 5, ex. 6. 2.7.1 (page 76): ex. 4, ex. 5, ex. 6, ex. 7. 2.8.1 (page 81): ex. 2, ex. 4, ex. 5, ex. 6, ex. 7, ex. 8.

Publisert 4. sep. 2013 13:24

Next week I will do exercises from Chapter 1 (see below).
Thereafter I will start to lecture Chapter 2.


Publisert 4. sep. 2013 13:19

This is a message to the German student that wants to
attend the seminar tomorrow: The seminar is moved to room B62,
6th floor of the Math building.


Publisert 28. aug. 2013 11:29

Sorry! What I called a well-ordering at today's lecture should
have been called a well founded ordering. . (A well-ordering is
a well founded ordering that also is total.)


Publisert 21. aug. 2013 11:56

From now on the lectures will take in Niels Henrik Abels hus (the math building): Tuesday Sem.rom B62 (6th floor) and Wednesday B71 (7th floor).


Publisert 20. aug. 2013 15:10

The next few weeks I will lecture the 1st chapter of Leary's book. The following exercises might be solved during the lectures: 1.3.1 (page 15): ex. 2, ex. 3. 1.4.1 (page 20): ex. 3, ex. 4, ex. 5. 1.6.1 (page 30): ex. 2, ex. 3, ex. 5. 1.7.1 (page 38): ex. 2, ex. 7. 1.8.1 (page 42): ex. 6. 1.9.1 (page 44): ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 4.

Publisert 14. aug. 2013 12:50

The first lecture take place Tuesday 20. 12:15.

Everyone will need a copy of

   Leary: A Friendly Introduction to Mathematical Logic.

Leary's book is available (as an compendium) in the university book store.