Dear All
The course will start next week. It is not yet clear if we will start off with standard lectures in our auditorium (Aud. 2, VB), or if we will start off with digital lectures and meetings. You have to be prepared for both options. I will inform you no later than Monday 2pm which options that will be realized.
If we go for the second option, there will be a Zoom meeting Tuesday 2.15pm. A link to meeting will be published at this web page. I will encourage all to use a digital device with a camera. This will considerable improve the quality of the meeting. It is very hard to conduct a meeting if one cannot see the attendants.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email.
Best Wishes, Stay Safe
Published Aug. 12, 2020 3:40 PM
- Last modified Aug. 12, 2020 3:59 PM