Final examination schedule and information
The final examination takes place monday June 2nd to thursday June 5th. Prepare a 20 minute oral presentation of your project. You will also be asked some questions about your project.
If you plan to use a computer for your presentation, then you need either a Mac or a laptop with a VGA outlet.
Here is the schedule :
Monday 2/6 - B63 Nils Henrik Abels Hus
10.20 Dokken
11.00 Gjesvik
13.00 Solberg
13.40 Mogan Olsen
14.20 Sannes
15.00 Zbinden
Tuesday 3/6 - B63 Nils Henrik Abels hus
09.00 Hauso
09.40 Hillesund
10.20 L?geide
11.00 Nomerstad
11.40 Svanberg
13.00 V?nsk?
13.40 Harang
14.20 Hels?e
15.00 Mellem
Wednesday 4/6 - Seminarrom 209 Nils Henrik Abels hus
09.00 Fougeret
09.40 Aarn?s
10.20 Lie
11.00 Oskarsdottir
11.40 Grythe
13.00 Antonsen
13.40 Daniloff
14.20 Hafnor
15.00 Johannesen
Thursday 5/6 - B 62 Nils Henrik Abels hus
09.00 Kaldhuss?ter
09.40 Langfeldt
10.20 Gustavsen
11.00 Skretting