1. Dag Normann 1. The zero-one law
2. Berndt ?ksendal 1. Ito integrals with applications
3. Terje Sund 1. Weierstrass necessary condition (Requires MAT2440)
4. Snorre Christiansen 1. Gauss kvadratur og Fekete punkter
5. Erik L?w 1. Complex structures of real symplectic spaces 2. The fundamental lemma of Andersen-Lempert theory
6. Geir Ellingsrud - You are welcome to come to his office and discuss a possible project. You do not need to have your own ideas.
7. Nadia Larsen 1.Pointwise ergodic theorem
8. Arne B. Sletsj?e - You are welcome to come to his office and discuss a possible project in algebra and related fields. You do not need to have your own ideas.
9. Erlend Wold 1. L2 estimates for the dibar equation 2. Constructive analysis