Welcome to MAT2000. Important information

Welcome to MAT2000!

The first class is held on January 18th and please remember that showing up on the first day is compulsory for this course.

The course is organized in a number of lectures about writing mathematics: from content to exposition. Also, we shall present the tools for writing and editing with LaTeX, BibLaTeX, and finally we talk about Beamer presentations. Furthermore, we shall learn about resources available for searching material, references, citations, and in general all secrets of the Science Library.

The course has a mandatory assignment and a final project to be prepared with the help of an expert supervisor in the field of interest.

Please note that in this course you are required to use LaTeX. This is already installed in all computers belonging to the Department of Mathematics.

If you wish to install it on your personal working station or laptop, then you will need a TeX distribution to do so. We recommend TeX Live: https://www.tug.org/texlive/

This works for MacOS, Unix, and Windows. Note that the installation can take up to an hour.

To write, you will also need an editor. Here is a list of available editors: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/339/latex-editors-ides


Published Jan. 5, 2017 2:16 PM - Last modified Jan. 9, 2017 11:18 AM