Mandatory assignment 1
The written assignment can be found here.
Note that you have one attempt to pass the assignment. This means that there are no second attempts.
The written assignment must be typeset in LaTeX and submitted as a single PDF file in Canvas before the deadline 14:30 February 20th. The submission must contain your name, course code and name of supervisor.
Mandatory assignment 2
In the oral presentation you are expected to choose a part of Mandatory assignment 1 and present it to an audience. You have 5 to 8 minutes at your disposal and it is mandatory to use the blackboard.
The oral presentations will take place during Lecture/Group sessions in March, in groups of 4 to 6 students. You will get feedback on your oral presentation and are expected to give feedback to your peers. The exact date of your presentation will be announced via e-mail.
Note that you have one attempt to pass the assignment. This means that there are no second attempts.
Application for postponed delivery
If you need to apply for a postponement of the submission deadline or presentation date due to illness or other reasons, you must contact the respective course responsible (Kris Shaw or Gudmund Horn Hermansen) before the deadline or presentation date.