I also decided to take …

I also decided to take section 34 and 35 out of the curriculum. I am worried about the time, and I find it better to slow a little down and do thing (i.e., the Sylow theorems) properly, than to rush through things. I am sorry for a late decision. I does not affect the later theory seriously - but we will need the concept of solvable groups i.e. definition 35.18, which we'll do at a certain point.

To day I recapitulated section 16 and started on section 36 and finished Cauchy's theorem (36. 3). To morrow we continue with Sylows theorems, and we ll use the whole next week on those and their applications. The week after that, we hopefully will be on schedule again.


Published Mar. 7, 2011 1:44 PM - Last modified May 24, 2011 2:51 PM