Semesterside for MAT2250 - V?r 2020


There is a zoom meet up scheduled tomorrow at 11am (meeting link in canvas). I will not be present but the meeting should be able to run without me. Use this as a platform to connect with others in the course! 

26. mai 2020 16:59

Monday May 25th at 11:00am. I will be available over zoom to take any questions about the final exam. 

Check your canvas inbox for the invitation and meeting number. 

22. mai 2020 10:29

We will continue after the break with Chapter 12 of Aigner. 

Chapter 9 will not be covered on the final exam. Since people have expressed interest in the topics I may post some screencasts summarizing the topics from that section. 

The zoom sessions will continue today at 15:15 with a discussion of the screencasts that were uploaded last week on modular arithmetic and finite fields. Please join! 

14. apr. 2020 11:29

I have almost finished grading the mandatory assignment. Overall it was very well done! Thanks for your solutions. 

I have asked many of you (even those with near perfect assignments) to resubmit questions that were either not attempted or need some corrections. 

Do not be discouraged! This is our one chance for a formal dialogue and it is good to have some back and forth. Please contact me if you have any questions about the comments, hints, or if there are any problems with the annotated PDF I uploaded to Canvas.  

6. apr. 2020 11:22