Repetition Classes

Hi all, 

On Wednesday May 2rd, we will finish the ordinary lectures covering the topics of the course.  Throughout the rest of May we will then have repetition classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the usual time and place. This will be organised as follows: Before class I will post exercises that I consider particularly relevant.  You will then first have the time to work on the problems during class, we will be several teachers there to help you, and then we will discuss (some of) the problems.  

It is very important that all of you, if you have the opportunity, show up for this and participate actively.  As we all know, the course is relatively hard, but with 4 more weeks of hard active work, we should be able to digest the topics.  

See you there!




Publisert 30. apr. 2018 10:03 - Sist endret 30. apr. 2018 10:03