Old exams with solutions

Here are the old exams and the solutions that I have been able to find. The course has been changing over the years, and not all old problems are relevant to today's syllabus. For some of the older exams I have only been able to find the Norwegian version.

2022: Exam. Solution.

2021: Exam. Solution.

2020: Exam. (One week home exam) Solution.

2019: Problem set with solution.

2018: Exam. Solution.

2017: Exam. Can't find solutions. (I did!)

2016: Exam. Solution.

2015: Exam. (Problem 2 is not relevant this year) Solution.

2014: Exam. (Problem 3 and 4 are not relevant this year) Solution.

2013: Exam. (Problem 3 is not relevant this year) Solution.

2012: Exam. (Problem 3 is not relevant this year) Solution.

2011: Exam. (Problem 3 is not relevant this year) Solution.


Publisert 12. jan. 2022 12:51 - Sist endret 20. des. 2024 10:38