Newt week
It has been decided that next week's lectures will be digital as well. I have therefore posted today a recording of tuesday's lecture (chapter 3). It is a bit longer than 90 minutes, since I also went through the proof that Blands rule prevents cycling (this is rather technical, and difficult to fint into 90 minutes).
Under code on the course web page you also find some code I use in the lecture, and which verifies the computations in some of the examples.
Over the weeked I will also post a recording of thursday's exercise session. I hope you try to solve the exercises before you watch that recording.
Note that you can also find old solutions to exercises and lecture notes in pdf, under old lecture notes on the course web page.
Publisert 22. jan. 2021 17:03
- Sist endret 22. jan. 2021 17:04