Next lectures

The next lectures will continue to be digital only, but I hope some of the restrictions can be lifted within a couple of weeks. I have posted a recording for next tuesday's lecture already. I plan to add a recording for next week's exercise session shortly.

Since the lectures so far have been recordings only, I have set up a zoom session tomorrow (thursday) between 1315 og 1400 where you can ask questions. zoomlink follows below. We also need a "tillitsvalgt" for the course, and maybe I can discuss this with some of you in tomorrow's zoom session.

You may also be interested in the "fellesorakel", where it is possible to ask general questions. The link for this is



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Topic: MAT3100 sp?rsm?lstime
Time: Feb 4, 2021 01:15 PM Oslo

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Publisert 3. feb. 2021 11:30 - Sist endret 27. feb. 2023 10:37